Friday, 19 September 2014

Number 51: Watch 5 foreign language films - Amelie

From here
I know, I know, I'm probably the only person in the whole who hasn't already watched Amelie, but I have now rectified that and boy have I been missing out!

I don't know quite what I was expecting from the film, but it was definitely wackier and more bizarre than I thought it would be - the dream sequences reminded me a little of Juno.  Audrey Tatou is captivating throughout and stunning as always.

I don't think I've ever finished a film and immediately wanted to rewind it (I know you don't have to actually rewind films any more, but...) and watch it all over again.  At least, not since my Beauty and the Beast phase circa 1998...  But that's exactly what happened with this film and I can't wait to re-watch it.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Number 9: Read every Jane Austen novel

Whilst away on my hols in Rhodes recently, I read Persuasion for the first time (slightly out of place reading about rainy Bath in the 40oC sunshine!).  And so, I've now read every Jane Austen novel and feel marginally more educated and accomplished.

From here...

On a side note - I was recently recommend the Lizzy Bennett Diaries by a friend and have just started watching it.  The YouTube series is a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice, with the story being told through Lizzy's vlog.  Once I'd got over the interesting re-writes to update the story by 200 years (the name puns are something else!), I really started to enjoy the series and, if you haven't already seen it, I'd highly recommend it!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Number 84: Go swimming in the sea

Recently, I went on holiday to Pefkos in Rhodes with some friends.  This meant that I got the chance to swim in the beautifully clear Aegean Sea.  Number 84 done.

Pefkos coastline

Friday, 22 August 2014

Number 75: Buy a “new to me” car

I've had the same car since I was 18 and I completely love my beat up little red micra.  With my sister moving home for the year though, she was in dire need of transportation, both to get to work and to allow her some element of freedom (hello living in the middle of nowhere).  So, it was decided that I should surrender little Mike the micra and get something a little (only a little mind!) substantial.  Maybe even with power steering - amazing!

After lots of scary test drives in rickety cars we finally found a dark green Honda Jazz, which was pretty much perfect.  Disclaimer - this was definitely a "payment plan" situation, my parents are extraordinarily generous.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Number 19: Discover 10 new favourite restaurants - Bill's

I know that I'm pretty late to the party but I'm loving Bill's at the moment!  I'd never come across them until I moved to Cambridge, but since then I seem to come across branches everywhere I go!

I really like the laid back atmosphere, the rustic décor and the deli feel.  The food's always been great (the ginger and blackcurrant smoothies are a winner) and the service has been good, even when I freaked the staff out by eating alone!

Bill's holds some good memories so far - the first drinks out with my new colleagues in Cambridge, a solo work trip to Salisbury and an impromptu reunion in Manchester (their first "northern" branch).

The most northerly Bill's (photo c/o Justin)

So, whilst there may be nothing extraordinary about Bill's I still love it and hopefully there'll be lots more good memories to add to those that I've already collected there.  

You've got to love a restaurant that hands out healthy snacks...

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Number 17: Watch 10 Audrey Hepburn films - Breakfast at Tiffany's

This weekend, I couldn't find anything that I wanted to watch on iPlayer, 4OD, itvPlayer, Demand5... (you get the idea!), so instead I thought I'd re-watch Breakfast at Tiffany's.

This is the first time that I've watched the film since reading the book - I'd forgotten how different they are (I love them both though!).  If you're at a loose end, I'd highly recommend watching this again, I still love it after countless viewings!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Number 80: Go to a play

Last week, we took full advantage of the beautiful weather and decided to go to the Cambridge Shakespeare Festival.  Every year, the University college gardens are overtaken with Titanias, Prosperos and Benvolios (so Cambridge!).

We decided to go to A Midsummer Night's Dream, which was being staged in the Fellows' Garden at King's College (I'll be straight with you, this was the main draw!).  We were treated to a beautiful performance in a magical setting.

We stuffed ourselves with picnic food and pink lemonade and some of the party took advantage of the mulled wine being sold at the interval (it was getting a little chilly by this point!).

The Fellows' Garden, King;s College - fancy!

We had a fantastic evening and fully intend to go see another play (and explore another garden!) before the end of the summer.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Number 6: See a new West End show

A few weeks ago, I had a lovely weekend away in London.  With plans in place for the Sunday, we were left with a completely free Saturday - bliss.  So, we headed to the Leicester Square ticket office and asked for 5 tickets to something cheap, nearby, that we hadn't seen before.

Which is how we ended up watching "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" at the Savoy Theatre, a beautiful silver glitter-ball of a building.

The show was hilarious - actually laugh out loud funny (not just LOL), with fantastic dance routines and beautiful costumes.  In conclusion, I'm moving to the French Riviera - see you later!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Number 23: Make a dress myself

A little later than expected (I hadn't planned on moving house, or job!), I took on the challenge of making my own dress.  Apart from making fancy dress costumes, I'd never made any clothing for myself.  It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but never had the confidence that I'd be able to follow the pattern on my own.  Luckily for me, Lisa Comfort from Sew Over It had just put her first sewalong on her blog so I wasn't by myself at all!

The pattern and blog posts made the steps really easy to follow and, although it isn't perfect, my dress is wearable which I think is an achievement for a first attempt! 

Commandeering the kitchen table... 

And the finished article...

Friday, 20 June 2014

Number 94: Go punting

Last Friday I spent a wonderful evening punting on the river (so Cambridge!) for my friend's birthday.  This was no ordinary punting though - this was a bat safari!

Bat Safari Punt Tours
From here...

I've actually not yet experienced "normal" punting - the only other time I've been we went on a punting ghost tour (where I discovered that my Dad has an unhealthy knowledge of hanging techniques...)!  Both tours have been with Scudamores who I can't recommend enough, as both tours were fantastic!  If you fancy something a little out of the ordinary, you should definitely try them out.

Back to the bat punting though... I wasn't expecting that we'd see any actual real life bats, but I was proved completely wrong.  Armed with detectors, some information sheets about the various bats we might spot and a very informative volunteer guide from the Wildlife Trust, we managed to spot some Pipistrelles and some Daubentons (which feed by swooping down to catch insects from the surface of the water).  They were completely captivating to watch and tracking and spotting them pretty exciting (so much so that I didn't take any photos...).

So that's punting more than ticked off!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Number 100: Take photos in a photobooth

Last week I was sent along to the Scientific Laboratory Show with work.  After my initial terror at attending an event by myself, I really enjoyed the whole thing and met loads of great people.  Although the show mainly had sophisticated glassware and instrumentation, there were also loads of fun things including: nail painting, a magician and... a photobooth!

Who says work always has to be serious?

Monday, 19 May 2014

Number 87: Paint my nails once a week for 2 months

So, this weekend it has been 2 months since I moved to Cambridge.  How times flies...  I may still be unpacking(!) but I'm gradually getting used to the idea that this is my home for the moment.

This also means that I've painted my nails at least once a week (often more!) for 2 months, so that's number 87 struck off the list - hooray!

A selection of the garish colours I've been adorning my fingertips with

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Number 61: Visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour

So, this weekend, literally all my wildest dreams came true...  For those of you who spent the summer after finishing primary school wistfully looking out of the window waiting for that elusive Hogwarts letter - you'll understand how exciting Saturday was for me!

Aged 11, this was my dream bedroom.  No jokes.
My Mum decided that for a joint birthday/Mother's Day celebration she wanted to visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour (Best.  Mum.  Ever.  Right?).  So, naturally, I took one for the team and tagged along spent 5 hours drinking in every last little bit of Potter magic that I could.

Me and Mum hanging out at the Mirror of Erised.  Apparently this is our hearts' desire - completely accurate! 
The whole place was completely magical and I was completely exhausted by the end of the day from attempting to look at absolutely everything (not possible!).  I appreciate the films now so much more than I did (I'm a book fan through and through).  The crew/cast took so much care and attention in creating a completely magical version of a truly amazing set of books.  There's an overwhelming amount of detail to take in (most of which was never seen on screen, which almost makes it more amazing!).  So, I think I'll definitely have to make a return trip, just to make sure I didn't miss anything!

Standard Ford Anglia photo (I was Ron, naturally)
So, if you haven't already been and you even remotely consider yourself a Potter fan, I'd highly recommend booking yourself tickets - you won't regret it!

Packing in my job and coming to work here instead...

Friday, 24 January 2014

Number 18: Visit a city that I've never been to before

Although I haven't yet managed to completely write my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days, I have already managed to cross one thing off...

I spent the last weekend in Brussels with my flatmates, celebrating my birthday and exploring the sites (actually we mainly spent our time eating...).  It was really fun and a great city to explore over just a few days as almost everything is within walking distance.

We saw the ubiquitous Manneken Pis statue in the flesh.  Unfortunately though we didn't get chance to see him in one of his many holiday outfits... (

Manneken Pis statue

We did however manage to locate his counterpart, Jeanneke Pis, which is somehow not quite so elegant (and a few hundred years younger).

Jeanneke Pis statue
We also spent a considerable amount of time ogling the amazing cartoons that festoon many of the buildings throughout the city.

Other sites included the temporary ice sculpture exhibition (filled with life size cartoon characters) and the Atomium (a staple on the Brussels skyline).

Smurfette - what a babe!
The Atomium
And the rest of the weekend was basically filled with me stuffing my face with amazing food!  Waffles, crepes, goats cheese, pizza... mmmm! All in all, a fab weekend away and a great start to 2014.

Possibly the best salad ever!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

101 things in 1001 days

So, this year, instead of making resolutions that I would definitely break within a week, I decided to do something a little more tangible and something that people can actually hold me accountable to!

Having seen Mackenzie Horan's list of 101 things that she is planning to do in the next 1001 days, I was inspired to write my own.  I've made a list of all those things I'd said I would do and had never got around to doing (and a few things that are less aspirational and more essential for becoming an actual, real life grown up...).  And, I've started this blog to document the things I do from the list (I'm still a few things short, so if you've got any ideas let me know!), and so that people can nag me about it if I'm too long between posts!  

Here's to being more accomplished in 101 things time!