So, this weekend, literally all my wildest dreams came true... For those of you who spent the summer after finishing primary school wistfully looking out of the window waiting for that elusive Hogwarts letter - you'll understand how exciting Saturday was for me!
Aged 11, this was my dream bedroom. No jokes. |
My Mum decided that for a joint birthday/Mother's Day celebration she wanted to visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour (Best. Mum. Ever. Right?). So, naturally, I took one for the team and
tagged along spent 5 hours drinking in every last little bit of Potter magic that I could.
Me and Mum hanging out at the Mirror of Erised. Apparently this is our hearts' desire - completely accurate! |
The whole place was completely magical and I was completely exhausted by the end of the day from attempting to look at absolutely everything (not possible!). I appreciate the films now so much more than I did (I'm a book fan through and through). The crew/cast took so much care and attention in creating a completely magical version of a truly amazing set of books. There's an overwhelming amount of detail to take in (most of which was never seen on screen, which almost makes it more amazing!). So, I think I'll definitely have to make a return trip, just to make sure I didn't miss anything!
Standard Ford Anglia photo (I was Ron, naturally) |
So, if you haven't already been and you even remotely consider yourself a Potter fan, I'd highly recommend booking yourself tickets - you won't regret it!
Packing in my job and coming to work here instead... |