Monday, 28 July 2014

Number 6: See a new West End show

A few weeks ago, I had a lovely weekend away in London.  With plans in place for the Sunday, we were left with a completely free Saturday - bliss.  So, we headed to the Leicester Square ticket office and asked for 5 tickets to something cheap, nearby, that we hadn't seen before.

Which is how we ended up watching "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" at the Savoy Theatre, a beautiful silver glitter-ball of a building.

The show was hilarious - actually laugh out loud funny (not just LOL), with fantastic dance routines and beautiful costumes.  In conclusion, I'm moving to the French Riviera - see you later!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Number 23: Make a dress myself

A little later than expected (I hadn't planned on moving house, or job!), I took on the challenge of making my own dress.  Apart from making fancy dress costumes, I'd never made any clothing for myself.  It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but never had the confidence that I'd be able to follow the pattern on my own.  Luckily for me, Lisa Comfort from Sew Over It had just put her first sewalong on her blog so I wasn't by myself at all!

The pattern and blog posts made the steps really easy to follow and, although it isn't perfect, my dress is wearable which I think is an achievement for a first attempt! 

Commandeering the kitchen table... 

And the finished article...