Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Number 65: Visit 10 European countries - Poland

Back in January, a couple of friends and I jetted off for our annual European city-break.  This is the third year we've spent a weekend away at the start of the year - first Brussels, then Budapest and this year we settled on Warsaw.

Having never been to Poland before, I didn't really know what to expect (although I thought it would be pretty bleak) and I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to eat anything remotely native.

I was totally wrong on all counts.  Warsaw's old town was completely beautiful - full of brightly coloured buildings, ornate castles and palaces. Friday afternoon we were greeted by snow, which made everything look magical and the freezing temperatures a bit more palatable.

And it turns out I needn't have worried about finding pescatarian safe food, turns out the Polish are really into spinach and sushi...

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Number 21: Make 10 recipes off of Pinterest - Simnel cake

This Easter I decided to try baking a simnel cake for the second time.  Last year's one turned out pretty well, but I wasn't sure if that was beginner's luck rather than skill!

I cracked out the same recipe - from the BBC Food website and got ready to spend approximately three hours up to my elbows in marzipan.  And, apart from having to switch scales part way through, second time worked a treat.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Number 97: Knit my own pair of socks

After a failed first attempt to knit a pair of socks about a year ago (where I ended up with an ill-fitting Christmas-stocking type monstrosity), I finally got around to a second attempt.

I decided to start afresh with a new pattern (this one from Ravelry), which was relatively easy to follow - even for a complete novice.  Although, I think turning heels will always baffle me and cause me to lob my knitting across the room.

All in all I'm pretty chuffed with the results though and I'm sure I'll give them another go in the future, but maybe not for a little while...

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Number 57: Complete my interrail scrapbook

The summer of the first year of uni, which is longer ago than I care to admit, I went inter-railing with a few friends.  We took a totally crazy route, got stuck in Switzerland unexpectedly and managed not to lose anyone along the way.

I started to collate all my photos and paraphernalia when we got back and then got sidetracked for about six years...  Before Christmas, I finally got around to finishing it off and spent a lovely day reminiscing about our travels.


Sunday, 3 January 2016

Number 19: Discover 10 new restaurants - Yo! Sushi

At the end of November, I headed down to Plymouth to go annoy my sister instead for the weekend, giving my parents a well-deserved rest from me.

Yo! Sushi was the plan for Saturday lunchtime, which I'd previously always been slightly intimidated by - how does it work?!  Luckily my sister is well-versed in sushi conveyor belts and showed me the ropes.  She also convinced me to try out katsu curry for the first time - converted.

Although it's not the cheapest, the food was delicious and its Plymouth location is the perfect people watching spot.